Most Request Transfers

Bucharest Airport to Siret Border

Starting Price 295€

Taxi Transfer

Price starting from 455€

Shuttle Transfer

Private transfers from OTP Bucharest Airport to  Siret border provide a truly personal and efficient transportation option. Here is a description of what you can expect from a private entrance to the Siret border:

How to Book: Before you travel, you can arrange a private delivery through various travel agencies or services. This can usually be done online or by phone booking. You will provide details of your trip including time of arrival, number of passengers and special needs.
Meet and Greet: Upon arrival at Bucharest Airport, your chosen driver will be waiting for you at the arrivals desk. They will usually wear a logo with your name or the name of the client company to make it easier to identify.
Vehicle options: Private relocation agencies offer a variety of vehicles to choose from depending on your needs. Options include sedans, SUVs, or even luxury cars for groups.
Direct access to Siret border crossing: After meeting your driver, they will help you with your luggage and direct you to a waiting vehicle. There will be a direct service from Bucharest Airport to the Siret border crossing, with no intermediate stops.
Comfort and convenience: Personal transfer offers a high level of comfort and convenience. The provided car will be for you or your group, providing a private and comfortable trip.
Customizable experience: Through the service, you can request amenities like Wi-Fi, and child seats, or even make short stops if you want to explore specific sights along the way
Navigation Expertise: The driver knows the route and can see the traffic and road conditions. This makes the journey smooth and efficient.

Drop-Off at Siret Border: Upon reaching the Siret border, the driver will drop you off at the designated point for border crossing. They will assist with unloading your luggage and ensure you’ve safely arrived at this point.

Payment: Payment for the private transfer is typically settled in advance during the booking process. Some services might offer the option to pay the driver directly in cash or via card.

Flexibility: Private transfers provide flexibility in terms of departure times, allowing you to select a schedule that aligns with your travel plans.

Privacy and Safety: Private transfers offer a private and secure travel experience, suitable for families, couples, or those seeking an exclusive journey.

A private transfer from Bucharest Airport to  Siret border offers a seamless and comfortable way of transport, providing personalized service and direct transportation to your. It’s a convenient option for those who value efficiency, comfort, and privacy in their travel arrangements.

Most frequently asked questions about transportation from Bucharest Airport to Siret border:

FAQ about Transport from Bucharest Airport to Siret Border

How can I travel from Bucharest Airport to Siret border?

You have several transportation options, including trains, buses, taxis, and private transfers from Bucharest Airport. Choose the one that suits your preferences and travel plans.

Is there a direct train or bus from Bucharest Airport to Siret border?

There might not be a direct connection, but you can take a train or bus to a nearby town or city and then proceed to the Siret border from there.

How long does it take to get from Bucharest Airport to the Siret border?

Travel time can vary depending on the chosen mode of transportation, traffic conditions, and the distance to the border crossing point. It’s recommended to plan for several hours of travel. Typically, the journey takes around 6 to 8 hours.

Can I find taxis at the airport to go to Siret Border?

Yes, taxis are available at the airport. Look for authorized taxis at designated stands or hire them from reputable taxi companies.

Is renting a car a good option for reaching the Siret border from the airport?

Renting a car provides flexibility and control over your journey, allowing you to travel at your own pace to the Siret border.

Are there any shuttle services that go from Bucharest Airport to the Siret border directly?

While dedicated shuttle services might not be common, private transfer services can provide direct transportation to the Siret border.

What is the cost of a taxi or private transfer from Bucharest Airport to the Siret border?

Prices can vary based on factors like distance and service provider. It’s recommended to contact the company or private transfer services for accurate quotes.

Do taxi or private transfer drivers speak English?

Our  drivers have basic English skills to assist with communication.

Are there any rest stops or places to eat along the way to the Siret border?

There might be rest stops and eateries along the journey to Siret Border, depending on the route you take. Plan for breaks and meals as needed.

Are there alternative transportation options besides taxis and buses?

Some travelers might explore rideshare services, carpooling, or unconventional transportation methods for a unique journey.