Bucharest Airport to Sunwaves Festival

Book now a Shuttle from Bucharest Airport to Sunwaves Festival


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Private Taxi from Bucharest Airport to Sunwaves Festival

Traveling from Bucharest Airport to the Sunwaves Festival is convenient and comfortable when you choose a private taxi service. This service offers a hassle-free journey directly to the festival site, allowing you to bypass the complexities of public transport.

Why Opt for a Private Taxi?

Private taxis provide a direct, reliable, and personalized way to travel. Whether you’re traveling alone or in a group, a private taxi can accommodate your needs. It ensures that you arrive at your destination refreshed and ready to enjoy the festival.

Booking Information

It’s recommended to book your taxi in advance to secure the best rates and ensure availability. You can book through various apps like Uber or Bolt, or directly through local taxi companies known for reliable airport services. Ensure you choose a service with clear pricing to avoid surprises.

Estimated Costs and Travel Time

The journey from Bucharest Airport to the Sunwaves Festival site is about 2.5 to 3 hours, depending on traffic conditions. The cost generally ranges between 150€ and 250€. Prices may vary based on the type of vehicle chosen and the time of day.