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FAQ about Transport from Airport to Bran Castle

How can I travel from Bucharest Airport to Bran Castle?

You have several transportation options, including trains, buses, hiring a taxi, or booking a private transfer. Choose the one that best suits your preferences and schedule.

Attention! There is no direct bus or train from the Bucharest Airport to Bran Castle. You may need to take a bus or taxi to the main bus station in Bucharest and then catch a bus or train to Bran from there.

How long does it take to get from Bucharest Airport to Bran Castle?

Travel time from Bucharest Airport to Bran can vary depending on the chosen mode of transportation, traffic conditions, and the exact destination. Typically, the journey takes around 2.5 to 3.5 hours

Are there any shuttle services that go from Bucharest Airport to Bran Castle directly?

While there might not be dedicated public shuttles, private transfer services can provide direct transportation to Bran.

And yes, there are various tour operators and private shuttle services that offer transportation from the airport to Bran Castle.

These services often provide day tours also and can be a convenient way to reach the castle if you are staying to a hotel in Bucharest, for example.

What is the cost of a taxi or private transfer from Bucharest Airport to Bran Castle?

Fares can vary based on factors like type of transportation, number of passengers and service provider.

Contact taxi companies or private transfer services for quotes. And be sure to agree on the fare with the driver before starting your journey.

Is it necessary to book transportation in advance, or can I find options on arrival at the airport?

While you can often find transportation options at the airport upon arrival, it’s advisable to book in advance, especially during peak tourist seasons, to ensure you have a hassle-free journey to Bran.

What are the best times to visit Bran and Bran Castle to avoid crowds and long waiting times?

To avoid crowds, it’s best to visit Bran Castle early in the morning or during the offseason, typically in the fall or winter. Weekdays are also generally less crowded than weekends.